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Statistical Note


Calculating 95% Confidence Intervals

  • Rule of 3's

    • Used when the numerator is zero or 1 and there are at least 30 patients in the sample

      100 x 3/number of patients = upper limit of the 95% CI

    • Example: 50/50 patients die; the upper limit of the 95% CI for survival = 100 x 3/50 = 6%

      Given a sample size of 50, the survival rate could still be as high as 6%.

  • Calculating the 95% CI from the Standard Error of a Proportion

    • Used when 2 or more patients have the outcome of interest.

      p = proportion = number of patients with the outcome/total number of patients
      sep = standard error of the proportion = square root of: [p x (1-p)]/n.
      95% CI = 100 x (p - (1.96 x sep)), 100 x (p + (1.96 x sep))

    • Example: 8/36 die, p = 0.22, sep = square root of (0.22 x 0.78)/36 = 0.069 1.96 x sep = 1.96 x 0.069 = 0.135

      95% CI = 100 x (0.22 - 0.135), 100 x (0.22 + 0.135) = 8.5% to 35.5%
      If the study meets validity criteria, the true death rate probably lies between 8.5% to 35.5%.

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Document last modified (formatting only) August 3, 2000