About Us

PedsCCM.org is a collaborative, independent, information resource and communication tool for professionals caring for critically ill and injured infants and children. Here you will find job opportunities (physicians, APPs and fellowships), timely and landmark publications, courses and conferences, and other announcements relevant to our field.

Privacy policy: PedsCCM does not collect personal information in any form about visitors to this site. Cookies are not used. The only information collected is contact information supplied by institutions in our employment opportunity section.

Advertising policy: PedsCCM does not accept direct advertisements. Commercial search firms/employment agencies who post employment opportunites are required to pay for these postings as specified in our Jobs Policy.

The information on this site is designed to support, not replace the relationship between patients and physicians or other health care professionals. We regret we cannot answer medical questions directly. Feel free to contact us with questions or suggestions about this site.

PedsCCM.org - the Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Website - is not affiliated or supported by PCCM - the journal - Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. Information about this journal is available here. Dr. Robert Tasker is the editor of PCCM and can be contacted at pccm@sccm.org.

PedsCCM.org has been supported in the past by the Section on Critical Care of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Pediatric Section of the Society of Critical Care Medicine,  the Pediatric Critical Care Colloquium and The Virtual PICU; support is also provided by institutions posting employment opportunities. None of this support has any influence over editorial policies or content.

PedsCCM editor: Barry Markovitz, MD MPH, Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Utah, Department of Pediatrics, Spencer F. Eccles School of Medicine, and Intermountain Primary Children's Hospital

Last update: August 19, 2024