January 24, 1997 The Children's Hospital of Oklahoma Acute Cardiopulmonary Event Documentation Sheets. The associated archives contain a series of 4 images in .gif format that are reproductions of the "code" sheet(s) used at the Children's Hospital of Oklahoma. The files described below are compressed. Codedocs.zip a zipped file for PC/Windows users Codedocs.sit a stuffit archive for Macintosh users Details regarding downloading options can be found in the file PedsCCM_pathways_readme.txt _________________________________ Within the archives, the images are simply titled codep1.gif, codep2.gif, etc. These sheets represent the documentation forms used at The Children's Hospital of Oklahoma for acute cardiopulmonary events. Users are free to reproduce and print them directly, or use them as templates in developing one's own sheets. These documents are provided "as is" with no implications or guarantees of clinical value in other institutions. The Children's Hospital of Oklahoma assumes no liability regarding their use. These represent the proprietary intellectual property of The Children's Hospital of Oklahoma and acknowledgement of their source is indicated if utilized. These files are offered free of charge and may be distributed for non-commerical use, provided this disclaimer is included. No support or instructions for their use can be offered at this time. Mo Gessouroun, M.D. email: mo-gessouroun@uokhsc.edu Uploaded by: Barry P. Markovitz, MD email: markovitz@pedsccm.org Software requirements: Any image viewing program on any platform that supports the .gif format.