11 th Annual Pediatric Critical Care Colloquium
Session/Time Neurology/Fri, 10:00 - 12:00 PM
Title Comparison of Neurologic Outcome Following Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest Using Alpha-Stat and Ph-Stat Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Author MA Priestley, MD; CD Kurth, MD; IB O'Hara, MD; J Golden, MD, J McCann, BS
Affiliation Departments of Anesthesiology andICritical Care Medicine and Pathology. The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Introduction Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA) for heart surgery poses risk of brain damage. In neonates, pH-stat management during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) has been suggested to improve neurologic outcome compared with alpha (a)-stat. This study compared neurologic outcome in newborn pigs after DHCA with a-stat or ph-stat CPB
Method Fourteen piglets aged 5-10 days were randon-Jy assigned to a-stat (n--7) or ph-stat (n=7) CPB management (100 ml/kg/min, hematocrit 21-24%), cooled to 19'C (brain), and arrested for 90 minutes. Then CPB was reinstituted, piglets were rewarmed, separated from CP 3, and survived for 2 days. Neurologic outcome consisted  of behavior (performance & functional disability scores) and histologic exam - neuronal cell countina in predetermined brain areas (neocortex: 3"' and 4" gyrus hippocampus: CAI, CA3, dentate gyr-us). Groups were compared with ANOVA and Mann-Whitley tests.

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Document created April 12, 1999