11 th Annual Pediatric Critical Care Colloquium
Session/Time Pulmonary II/Thu, 2:00 - 4: 00 PM
Title Impact of ECMO Center's Case Frequency on Survival in Children
Author HJ Dalton, K Gold, P Rykus
Affiliation Divisions of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine and Biostatistics, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, D. C and the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO), Ann Arbor, MI
Introduction New techniques for supporting patients has led to a decline in the use of ECMO in neonatal and pediatric patients. Nineteen neonatal centers reported >20 ECMO cases in'93 as compared to 16, 10 and 9 centers in'94,'95 and'96, respectively. To assess the impact frequency of usage of ECMO has on survival, art evaluation of the ELSO registry databank from 1993-96 was conducted.
Method Approximately 100 neonatal and pediatric centers submitted data to the ELSO registty during each of the years 1993-1996. Chi-square tests of significance were computed Io determine 1) if overall' frequency of use of ECMO varied over time, 2) distribution, use, andi survival of neonatal and pediatric patients receiving ECMO and 3) if frequency of use of ECMO for admitting center was associated with survival rates.
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Document created April 12, 1999