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EBM Tools - A Calculation Template

EBM Tools - ReadMe

This is a Microsoft Word 97/98 file that enables numerous clinical epidemiology calculations, such as relative risk reduction, number needed to treat, likelihood ratios, etc. This tool also calculates confidence intervals for many of these variables. Covered topics and calculations include:

The calculations are performed with embedded Microsoft Excel spreadsheets - double-clicking the table will open Excel 97/98 and allow data entry and new calculations to be performed. Microsoft Word 97/98 and Excel 97/98 is required.

This calculation template was created and submitted by Arno Zaritsky, MD, Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters, Norfolk, VA. It is provided "as is" for free use and non-commercial distribution. Although all calculations are correct to the best of our ability to confirm, neither the author nor PedsCCM guarantees the accuracy or utility of this tool.

Written and submitted by:

Arno Zaritsky, MD
Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters
Norfolk, VA 23507
757-668-7486 FAX: 757-668-7313

This files may be distributed freely on any medium, for non-commercial purposes, along with this document. It may not be sold or exchanged for profit.

Author makes no claims of accuracy. Not responsible for system failures, crashes, whatever. This is virus-free to the best of our ability to detect.

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Document created July 1, 1999; last modified August 31, 2006 (links only)