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Procedures Database ReadMe

Proced.mdb Readme

This is a Microsoft Access database template for pediatric resident procedures. It requires Windows 3.1 or Windows95 along with Microsoft Access v. 2.0 or higher.

A quick introduction and brief instructions in Microsoft Word format are available as procinfo.doc

Written by:

Brad Poss
Pediatric Critical Care
San Diego Naval Medical Center
Email: wposs@snd10.med.navy.mil

The author makes no claim of accuracy. I am not responsible for system failures, lost data, or disgruntled residents. The computer program and the accompanying documents are those of the author and are not an official program or policy of the Department of the Navy, Department of the Defense, or the U.S. Government.

July 3, 1997

Available by direct download as:

Document created July 3, 1997; last modified (formatting only) February 15, 1998